
The Ann Crooker St. Clair Chapter National Society Daughters of the American Revolution celebrated the DAR Good Citizens over the weekend. A brunch was held before the youth day awards presentation.

Eight local high schools nominated outstanding seniors to be candidates for the DAR Good Citizen Award. To be eligible for this award, students demonstrated the qualities of dependability, service to their schools and community, leadership, cooperation, courtesy, positive role models, and patriotism.

Good Citizens chairman Carolyn Buck gave an overview of each student’s accomplishments and Regent Brenda Wagy presented pins and certificates to this year’s winners:

--Marissa Summers, Beecher City High School

--Eva Meinhart, Dieterich High School

--Gracie Eaton, Effingham High School

--Emma Jo Nadler, Newton Community High School

--Anna Albert, Stewardson-Strasburg High School

--Casey Deters, Teutopolis High School

Clayton Wojcik, Cowden-Herrick High School and Carrey Goeckner, St. Anthony High School were unable to attend.

Ann Crooker St. Clair Chapter takes the opportunity to recognize some of the outstanding youth in our communities.