
Lake Land College is proud to announce that nearly 700 full-time students and 600 part-time students earned academic honors for the 2022 Spring semester.

To qualify for the president’s list for full-time, a student must have completed at least 12 credit hours in courses numbered 040 or higher per semester, excluding summer term, with a GPA of 3.8 – 4.0. 

To qualify for the dean’s list for full-time, a student must have completed at least 12 credit hours in courses numbered 040 or higher per semester, excluding summer term, with a GPA of 3.65 – 3.79. 

To qualify for the honor’s list for full-time, a student must have completed at least 12 hours in courses numbered 040 or higher per semester, excluding summer term, with a GPA of 3.5 – 3.64. 

To qualify for the president’s list for part-time, a student must have completed six to 11 credit hours in courses numbered 040 or higher per semester, excluding summer term, with a GPA of 3.8 – 4.0. 

To qualify for the dean’s list for part-time, a student must have completed six to 11 credit hours in courses numbered 040 or higher per semester, excluding summer term, with a GPA of 3.65 – 3.79. 

To qualify for the honor’s list for part-time, a student must have completed six to 11 hours in courses numbered 040 or higher per semester, excluding summer term, with a GPA of 3.5 – 3.64. 

A grade “A” is four points, a “B” is three points, a “C” is two points, etc.

Following are the lists for area students:



Cotter Hiestand, Honor's List    


Adam Alexander, President's List;Alexus Ault, President's List; Mackenzie Florida, President's List; Lane Horath, President's List; Emma Simmons, President's List; KelliStuemke, President's List; Wesley Bell, President's List; Anna Koberlein, Dean's List; Camila De Oliveira Barbeta, Dean's List


Shellie Witteborg, President's List; Bayli Ashley, President's List; Nicole Boyce, Honor's List; Kolton Sapp, Honor's List; Amber Stewart, Honor's List; Shellie Witteborg, President's List


Dakota White, President's List; Joel Bloemker, President's List; Cassi Payne, President's List; Elizabeth Cable, President's List; Max Schraer, Honor's List


Shannon Robertson, President's List; Mason Manley, Dean's List


Iva Lilly, President's List; Emily Bloemer, President's List; Claire Beckman, President's List; Derek Deters, President's List; Carly Ohnesorge, President's List; Allie Poe, President's List; Brianna Wendte, President's List; Erica Michels, President's List; Madilyn Brummer, President's List; Emma Meinhart, President's List; Jozlyn Haycraft , President's List; Jadyn Pruemer, President's List; Garrett Wolfe, President's List; Derek Kuhl, Dean's List; Faith Aherin, Dean's List; Kyle Repking, Dean's List; Will Thoele, Honor's List; Abigail Niemerg, Honor's List; Lanna Kroeger, Honor's List


Jamie Roberts, President's List; Renee Woodward, President's List; Laura Schultz, President's List; Lisa Armstrong, President's List; Mandy Flach, President's List; Alex Willenborg, President's List; Broc Krietemeyer, President's List; Stephanie Burke, President's List; Kelli Neese, President's List; Jessica Starrett, President's List; Payton Sehy, President's List; Larissa Verhoeven, President's List; Emily Lueken, President's List; Nadine Ray, President's List; Citlali Hoyos, President's List; Marissa Gunn, President's List; Kai Starrett, President's List; Emma Budde, President's List; Allison McDevitt, President's List; Andrew Womack, President's List; Bryan Angel, President's List; Andrew Blacker, President's List; Mycha Donaldson, President's List; Paul Dorman, President's List; Anna Hibdon, President's List; Savannah Morrissey, President's List; Kara Miller, President's List; Anna Sigg, President's List; Max Woelfer, President's List; Abigail Will, President's List; Jack Fallert, President's List; Brody Mette, President's List; Kaelyn Fedrigon, President's List; Sawyer Althoff, President's List; Tori Budde, President's List; Chloe Bushue, President's List; Serena Buzzard, President's List; Max Hardiek, President's List; Damon Kalber, President's List; Kinzie Kolb, President's List; Katelyn Larsen, President's List; Gwendolyn Mihlbachler, President's List; Mahum Rauf, President's List; Meredith Schaefer, President's List; Ellie Wegman, President's List; Zoe Cremens, President's List; Alex Meyer, President's List; David Meyer, President's List; Sidney Huelsing, President's List; Ellie Bloemer, President's LisT; Tamber Black, Dean's List; Ashley Morgan, Dean's List; Abigail Dietzen, Dean's List; Noah Jones, Dean's List; Ava Boehm, Dean's List; Gabriel Kihne, Dean's List; Brueklyn Belcher, Dean's List; Ava King, Dean's List; Coralin Ohnesorge, Dean's List; Jeridyn Thomas, Dean's List; Juliana Harden, Dean's List; Caroline Hoene, Dean's List; Natalie Lohman, Dean's List; Isaac McDonald, Dean's List; Tyra Bednar, Dean's List; Lauren Blackwell, Dean's List; Mitchell Haller, Dean's List; Betty Phillippi, Honor's List; Jamie Dillow, Honor's List; Sam Bell, Honor's List; Alexander Hootselle, Honor's List; Benjamin Thompson, Honor's List; Erika White, Honor's List; Ryan Schultz, Honor's List; Lauren Pierson, Honor's List; Blake Mersman, Honor's List


Adalaide Matlock, President's List


Kendall Plummer, President's List; Elijah Lamb, President's List; Alayna Honn, President's List; Hannah Bland, President's List; Kenzie Kingery, President's List; Jade Lock, Dean's List; Wilson Nino Pardo, Dean's List; Tayler McMechan, Honor's List; Owen Ray, Honor's List; Mason Henderson, Honor's List  


Malayne Seaton, President's List; Lauren Wojcik, President's List


Paige Van Dyke, President's LisT; Madison Griffy, President's List; Brady Clark, President's List; Maelin Abbott-Rinehart, Dean's List; Paige Van Dyke, President's List


Paula Holland, President's List; Hailey Budde, President's List; Bryan Smith, Honor's List;


Theodore Rathe, President's List; Christopher Strong, President's List; Kamdyn Dunn, President's List; Michelle Doty, Dean's List; Kylee Phillips, Dean's List; Ella Shuler, Dean's List; Avelyne Walk, Honor's List; Alexis Morton, Honor's List; Jada Plummer, Honor's List; Claire Cardinal, Honor's List


Richard Lindemann III, President's List; Brianna Utley, President's List; Dustin Kuhl, President's List; Alex Petitjean, President's List; Kierstin Clark, Dean's List; Brooklyn Herman, Dean's List; Taylor Line, Dean's List; Jordan Shamhart, Honor's List; Jacob Kaufmann, Honor's List; Zachary Stark, Honor's List; Alex Bergbower, Honor's List

ST. ELMO    

Amy Kimberlin, President's List; Bailie Duckwitz, President's List; Katelyn Maxey, President's List; Kalea Yagow, President's List; Josie Strauch, President's List; Francisco Viramontes, President's List; Ava Pattillo, Dean's List


Avery Fearday, President's List; Abagail Flach, President's List; Lexie Niebrugge, President's List; Danielle Deters, President's List; Isaac Walk, President's List; Amber Placek, Dean's List; Kaitlyn Schumacher, Dean's List; Desirae Hewing, Dean's List


Luke Porter, President's List; Mariah Hoene, President's List; Trey Sayers, President's List; Landen Nichols, Dean's List;


Morgan Greuel, President's List; Kristina Moore, President's List; Kiefer Reel, President's List; Rachel Kessler, Dean's List; Maggie Kelly, Dean's List; Grace Rincker, Dean's List; 


Anni Borries, President's List; Olivia Niemerg, President's List; John Bloemer, President's List; Kylie Hoelscher, President's List; Drew Kerner, President's List; Molly Niemerg, President's List; Elizabeth Poston, President's List; Jessica Runde, President's List; William Niccum, President's List; Ryan Buerster, President's List; Isabelle Hemmen, President's List; Caroline Beckman, President's List; Katherine Kingery, President's List; Macy Probst, President's List; Ethan Kremer, President's List; Elle Blievernicht, President's List; Isabella Hardiek, President's List; Jeffrey Deters, President's List; Alexandria Haarman, President's List; Justin Hardiek, Dean's List; Madalyn Stead, Dean's List; Brock Deters, Dean's List; Dalton Will, Dean's List; Clint Apke, Dean's List; Robin Cooper, Dean's List; Alexis Will, Dean's List; Madison Goldstein, Dean's List; Lauren Cates, Dean's List; Matthew Deters, Honor's List; Coy Fleener, Honor's List; Presley Wendt, Honor's List


Colt Guyon, President's List; Andrew Cole, President's List; Corinne Courtright, President's List; Destiny Williams, President's List; Montana Hitchcock, President's List; Emma Butler,  President's List


Samantha Hicks, President's List; Clair Davis, President's List; Mattie Angel, President's List; Savannah Harris, Dean's List;


Allison Einhorn, President's List; Allison Cohorst, Honor's List;


Jordan Akins, President's List; Jasmine Bennett, Dean’s List; Katherine Greuel, Dean's List; Brandon Milligan, Honor's List;    



Joshua Ledbetter, President's List; Lazuli Tkachuk, President's List; Dalton Fox, President's List; Myra Duncan, President's List; Makara Hunsaker, President's List; Ellie McManaway, President's List; Paige Wendling, President's List; Logan Cornett, President's List; Keegan Hurren, President's List; Jacob Waddell, Dean's List; Jared Hammer, Dean's List; Danielle Goldsborough, Honor's List; Andrea Sills, Honor's List; Ella RuffneR, Honor's List    


Danielle Gullett , President's List; Tatyana Duckwitz, President's List; Honora Reed, President's List; Hannah Wells, President's List


Lane Chandler, President's List; Dakota Orechovesky, President's List


Misty Curl, President's List


Margo Donaldson, President's List; Breanna Shull, President's List; Paul Niemerg, President's List; Austin RuholL, President's List; Cortney Brummer, President's List; Kinley Parish, President's List; Athena Walker, President's List; Pete Britton, President's LisT; Wyatte Brummer, Dean's List; Lilly Jansen, Honor's List


Cairra Leasher, Dean's List         


Lynne Donaldson, President's List; Lindsey Stewart, President's List; Aaron Shoemaker, President's List; Kaylyn Bergbower, President's List; Kollin Waymoth, President's List; Madison Crain, President's List; Koby Henkelman, President's List; Carsyn Bushue, President's List; Parker Siner, President's List; Jenna Splechter, President's List; Karsyn Mette, President's List; Hailey Olsen, President's List; Bradly Adams, President's List; Megan Ballman, President's List; Cailee Chapman, President's List; Alexis Chrappa, President's List; Jackson Doedtman, President's List; Andrei Deaconescu, President's List; Emma Kessler, President's List; Chloe Koester, President's List; Niav Maloney, President's List; Brayden Pals, President's List; Krista Phillips, President's List; Karson Pruemer, President's List; Ethan Ritz, President's List; Jarrett Swan, President's List; Britney Walls, President's List; Eden Wendling, President's List; Emily Zhao, President's List; Elizabeth Kabbes, President's List; Lillian Wise, President's List; Henry Kemme, President's List; Abigail Mette, President's List; Tia Probst, President's List; Riley Cunningham, President's List; Ali Davis, President's List; Thad Dillow, President's List; Anna Hirtzel, President's List; Kaci Jackson, President's List; Julia Kinder, President's List; Marah Kirk, President's List; Gabrielle Kreke, President's List; Madison Mapes, President's List; Allison Miller, President's List; Lillian Waymoth, President's List; Evan Zhao, President's List; Khushi Patel, President's List; Jolin Jiang, President's List; Wade Lawrence, President's List; Korey Miller, President's List; Bryce Breer, President's List; Lanie Tedrick, President's List; Arturo Diaz, President's List; Nicholas Tensen, President's List; Thomas Schottman, Dean's List; Joseph Matteson, Dean's List; Cade Buehnerkemper, Dean's List; London Rinkel, Dean's List; Timothy Metcalf, Honor's List; Sandra Bryan, Honor's List; Nicole Ethridge, Honor's List; Zachary Dye, Honor's List; Kaitlyn Burton, Honor's List; Elizabeth VanSchoyck, Honor's List; Lindsey Lohman, Honor's List; Dalton Rueter, Honor's List; Kiara Westergard, Honor's List; Evan Williamson, Honor's List; Myles Maxedon, Honor's List; Grace Hoene, Honor's List; Braden Sweeney, Honor's List; Anna Kabbes, Honor's List; Elizabeth Jackson, Honor's List; Joshua Jenson, Honor's List; Amanda Buening, Honor’s List; Lucy Dorman, President’s List; Jada Parsley, Honor’s List


Tisha Fritts, President's List; Mandy Pfeiffer, President's List; David Matherly, President's List; Dakota Swingler, President's List; Mackenzie Taylor, President's List; Zoe Mitchell, President's List; Michael Beaumont, President's List; Carly Thornton, President's List; John Ryan, Dean's List; Jaelyn Miller, Dean's List; Austin Finn, Dean's List; Larissa Wellbaum, Honor's List    


Paige McKittrick, President's List


Emma Griffith, President's List; Madison Thompson-Mckinney, Dean's List; Caylee Springmeyer, Honor's List    


Konnie Heiden, President's List; William Kreke, President's List; Lydia Warner, President's List; Callie Gephart, President's List; Vanessa Skavlem, President's List; Brenda McClain, Dean's List; Grace Bushur, Dean's List


Kaitlyn Boerngen, President's List; Kaylie Miller, President's List; Cole Will, President's List     


Randall Curry, President's List; Nicholas Titus, President's List; Gracie Gresens, President's List; Maggie Clark, President's List; Patricia Baldwin, President's List; Carter Cox, President's List; Dakota Krampe, President's List; Lucas Romack, President's List; Myah Wright, President's ListShaylee Vondrak, President's List; Alexis Morton, Honor's List; Kaden Young, Honor's List    


Angel Harrington , President's List


Kelly Werner , President's List; Olivia Baker, President's List; Kyli Kitchen, Honor's List    


Max Niebrugge, Dean's List     


Corinne Gibson, President's List; Elizabeth Baker, President's List; Kassidy Smith, President's List


Anna Schlechte, President's List; Alexis Agney, President's List; Wendy Deters, President's List; Joshua Pruemer, Dean's List     


Donna Kistner, President's List; Jessica Deters, President's List; Jackson Vonderheide, President's List; Alaina Helmink, President's List; Diana Mossman, President's List; Shane Waldhoff, President's List; Elise Passalacqua, President's List; Gabriella Mette, President's List; Aubrey Collins, President's List; Jeremia Dixon, President's List; Chloe Lewis, President's List; Macy Swingler, President's List; Paige Kerner, President's List; Joseph Ruholl, President's List; Grace Tegeler, President's List; Adam Lustig, President's List; August Siemer, President's List; Abigail Wortman, President's List; Samuel Bushur, Dean's List; Dylan Pruemer, Dean's List; Kendall Schmidt, Honor's List; Jackson Probst, Honor's List; Courtney Gibson, Honor's List; Samuel Thompson, Honor's List    


Lucinda Adamson, President's List; Audrey Schmidt, Dean's List; Shalena Houser, Dean's List     


Rhett Dust, President's List; Kinsey Koester, President's List; Adelyn Hagy, President's List; Albert Dust, Honor's List;   


Maci Niemerg, President's List